I recently wrote a paper about the user testing of the Oxford Blue Pages. It has been published in
Ariadne in their January 2010 issue. Here you have a link to the article in Ariadne
www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue62/loureiroKoechlin The title is Uncovering User Perceptions of Research Activity Data. I chose that title to emphasise the aspect of the user testing which we think helped us the most to engage and understand our users. Beside improving software usability the user tests provided us with data which confirmed and complemented the findings of the Stakeholder Analysis. In this article I discuss the concepts of Usability, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness and provide some examples from feedback.
I have also deposited a copy of the article in the Oxford University Research Archive ORA here
http://ora.ouls.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid%3A1d61ea76-1a6a-4595-a011-52a8303c549bYou can also find the ORA record (with the full text) for the BRII Stakeholder Analysis here
Note: I have added a section titled "BRII Papers, Reports and Presentations" in the right column of this blog (scroll down a bit.) It contains links to relevant outcomes produced by BRIIl.